Get Involved – Volunteer Today!
Connect with local Republicans, support our local candidates,
and help us win the 2024 elections!
VOLUNTEERS are key to successful elections!

Join with us as we take action to grow the “America First” movement.
The silent majority can no longer afford to stay silent - it is time to make our voices heard!
It is not too late to change the direction of our local communities and our nation – patriotic Americans working together can accomplish great things!

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There are many fun ways volunteers can help:
Make phone calls
Host a candidate meet & greet
Display political yard signs
Walk in local parades
Staff our Fair Booth
Help with voter registration
Join door knocking teams
Assist with literature drops
Help with event planning
Help with social media
Help with sign installation
Help with political mailings
Become an election judge or poll worker
Write Letters to the Editor
Help with website
Provide rides to the polls
We are a grassroots, volunteer, political organization and we depend upon individual donors for support.
Your donations will be used in Kossuth County to fund local events, and help us elect local candidates to public office.
Please give generously.
We are thankful for your Donations!

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